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Bandon Hill Primary School


Writing Intent

At Bandon Hill, we dare to dream. Our mission is to encourage resilient, inquisitive, ambitious and motivated pupils and we aim to inspire passion and persistence in our children by sharing expertise from quality teaching and expert writers. Our texts are deliberately chosen to foster a genuine love of language and the written word and inspire pupils to grow into articulate, effective and imaginative communicators.    

Our intentions in writing are for children to:

  • Dare children to challenge themselves and write for different purposes 
  • Encourage resilience and independence in writing 
  • Stimulate creativity and inquisitiveness through enquiry and exploration
  • Empower children to be ambitious and take ownership of their learning
  • Nurture a passion for writing and communication
  • Motivate children to independently organise and plan their own written work


There is a focus from the outset to ensure the basics are learnt effectively.  We focus on accuracy and a mastery approach. This means that children have knowledge and skills of transcription and spelling (how they write) alongside composition (what they write) by the end of Key Stage One.  To develop the effectiveness of their writing, these skills are then developed in Key Stage Two, as children are taught to make choices in their writing to match the purposes they write for across an increasing range of genres.

At Bandon Hill, we teach the National Curriculum as a minimum entitlement.