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Bandon Hill Primary School


Our intentions in Geography are for children to:

  • Dare to challenge themselves to find out about their locality and place in the wider world. 
  • Encourage resilience and independence in learning new skills which are later applied. 
  • Stimulate creativity and inquisitiveness through enquiry and exploration with our big questions. 
  • Empower children to be ambitious and take ownership of their learning.
  • Motivate children to independently organise and plan how to research in order to find out more. 

Our curriculum at Bandon Hill is a question-based enquiry curriculum where children grow a love of learning and become inquisitive about the world around them. We want our children to not only enjoy each lesson but also build a love of learning for the future. Through carefully chosen units, our curriculum offers children opportunities to recognise not only our diverse school community but also the diverse world that we live in.

Inclusivity is a key value at Bandon Hill and therefore our curriculum has been designed to offer all children a variety of hands-on enriching fieldwork experiences. This allows our children to apply what they have learnt in the classroom to real Geography contexts on trips and visits. Pupils are purposely exposed to rich cultural experiences, ambitious vocabulary and challenging content.  These memorable experiences offer children engaging and exciting opportunities that they may not have encountered before.

Our curriculum offers children the opportunity to celebrate the successes in our local community as well as unpicking how key periods of time have affected our local area.