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Bandon Hill Primary School

Communication & Interaction

Pupils with communication and interaction difficulties are those who have speech, language and communication needs, often displaying difficulties communicating with others, receptive and expressive difficulties. Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) such as Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome are likely to have difficulty with social interaction, communication and imagination.  

To support your child at home you can try the following:

Please click the links for further information and resources.

Attention Building

The Attention Autism approach by Gina Davies is designed to help children develop attention skills by doing exciting activities that engage them and build vocabulary. It also helps develop more long-term targets including intentional communication (e.g. asking for more, making a choice or request) and social communication skills (e.g. turn-taking).

Now & Next board

Some pupils find transitions easier when they are prepared for what to expect. You can also use a now & next board as a motivator for your child- for example, now homelearning, next TV time.

Now, Next & Then board

This is an expanded version of a now & next board, for children to see multiple steps. It can be used to support your child completing activities such as getting ready in the mornining. 

Visual Timetables

We use visual timetables at school to support your child's understanding of what is happening in the day. This may help you structure your evenings or weekends at home.

Past & Present tense

Speech and language activities to support your child's development using past and present tense. This is an activity booklet produced by Cognus to help your child's development of these skills.


Prepositions are the words we use to tell us the location of something. Children's use of prepositions is vital in enabling them to understand classroom language. This is an activity booklet produced by Cognus to help your child's development of these skills.