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Bandon Hill Primary School


Everyone who works at Bandon Hill Primary School is responsible for the safeguarding of the children.  We are obliged to act on any concerns.

Reporting Safeguarding concerns to school

Safeguarding is something the school takes very seriously. 

The school's Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) (the person who deals with any referrals or concerns about Safeguarding of children in school) is Mr Haddock (Deputy Headteacher).  The DSL is supported by a team of Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs): Miss Hatchett and Mrs Newsome.

Our Safeguarding governor is Nagaraju Binnuri. Nagaraju can be contacted via the school office.

Please visit the Department for Education website to see statutory guidance for schools on safeguarding children

Below are a some websites that have further information about how to safeguard children: