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Bandon Hill Primary School

Behaviour curriculum

Our Behaviour Curriculum follows our ‘Dare to Dream’ philosophy with our five Dream Values as well as our three school rules - Be Safe, Be Kind and Be Ready.

Our Behaviour Curriculum is predominantly delivered through: 

  • Weekly Assemblies which focus on our behaviour routines

  • Behaviour Curriculum Lessons which supplement the assemblies

  • Our Kapow based PSHE subject curriculum

  • All staff instructing children throughout the school day, praising adherence and challenging non-compliance using appropriate scripts for consistency


Behaviour Curriculum Intent

“Teachers often have a plethora of techniques in their repertoires to manage misbehaviour and low-level disruption within their classroom. However, whilst it is impossible to eradicate all misbehaviour, it can certainly be minimised and the general climate for learning can be improved through the explicit teaching of learning behaviours, reducing the need for teachers to constantly ‘manage’ misbehaviour. A learning behaviour is any behaviour that supports learning, such as paying attention to the teacher or persevering with a difficult task.”


Improving Behaviour in Schools, Education Endowment Foundation, 2001


At Bandon Hill Primary School we want our children to be effective learners.  We want them to possess the interpersonal skills required to be daring, resilient, enquiring, ambitious and motivated when they leave our school and move on to the next stages of their education.

To give them the personal tools to achieve this, alongside the academic curriculum, we also offer a Bandon Hill Behaviour Curriculum where children are explicitly taught the skills they need, and we expect, to ensure they are making every minute count.

To do this, we embed a number of taught routines which will create a school culture that reflects our ‘Dare to Dream’ mission statement. We teach these routines for the following reasons…

∙  All children have different prior knowledge in terms of behaviour.

∙  Routines that we embed support children to leave our school with our whole school values.

∙  Routines need to be explicitly explained, taught, practiced and revisited regularly and consistently for them to become norms and change habits.

∙  Promotes making good choices easy and the poor choices hard.

∙  Ensures nothing is left to chance and all members of our school family know what is expected of them as a member.

∙  All built around intrinsic motivation. However, some extrinsic motivation is required to get there.

∙  Social conformity - making sure our culture is right so it doesn’t influence others to make poor choices.

The intent of our behaviour curriculum is further embedded through our DREAM learning values.


Below are our Whole School Routines that we use in each of our classrooms:


Bandon Hill Behaviour Banner


Along with our routines, we also have our three Behaviour Rules which have been chosen by our children, parents and teachers:


Safe        Kind          Ready