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Bandon Hill Primary School

Medical Information

We do all that is practicable to accommodate medical needs.  We have staff trained to administer emergency medication and will work with you to ensure that your child is cared for at school.  We rely on parents to give us up-to-date information on allergies and medication.

Prescribed Medicines:
Prescribed medicines (e.g. asthma inhalers), needed to enable a child to take a full part in education, will be administered as long as parents complete a medical consent form.  Injections, however, will only be administered in emergencies to save life (e.g. an Epipen for nut allergy).  Where possible, children will be encouraged and supported to administer their own medication.  Medication is usually stored securely in the classroom.  However, there will be circumstances where the child will need to carry their medication with them (e.g. an asthma inhaler on a school trip).  These circumstances will be noted on individual care plans or trip risk assessments as required.

If your child needs to have prescribed medicine during the school day, please bring it to the office in the original container and fill in a medicines form.   Medicines are stored securely in the school office.

Non-Prescribed Medicines:
Non-prescribed medication (e.g. off the shelf pain killers) cannot be administered by school staff.  However, parents may send, with prior agreement, non-prescription medicine into school for their child (but not aspirin or medicines containing ibuprofen).  This MUST be kept securely in the classroom and parents must also complete a medical consent form.  Consent given for non-prescribed medicine will only last between 1 and 3 days and parents must collect any unused medicine at the end of this period.  We will advise and help children take medicines themselves, if they wish to, but we will not compel or administer it to them.  Children will not usually be reminded to take non-prescribed medicines – they must ask for them if and when they need it.  A record will be kept of any medication taken.

If your child needs to have non-prescribed medicine during the school day, please bring it to the office in the original bottle and fill in a medicines form.  Medicines are stored securely in the child's classroom.

Should your child become ill during the day and need to come home, we will telephone you.  If your child is injured, first aid will be administered.  We will contact you if your child has a significant cut or bump to the head and send a note home and / or give them a red wristband so that you know to keep an eye on them in the evening.  You are always welcome to come up to school to check an injury for yourself.  In the event of a serious injury, we will try to contact you and call an ambulance if necessary.  A member of staff will always look after your child if they are ill.