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Bandon Hill Primary School

Home Learning

Home Learning will be handed out in a folder on Fridays, to be returned by the following Friday. Teachers will spend time in class reviewing Home Learning and marking the children’s work as a class. The children will then gain rewards for the effort they have put into their Home Learning.

Participation in Home Learning is optional, but we would encourage all children to take part. The Home Learning will align with the week's lessons and aims to strengthen children's understanding.

 Our minimum expectations of all children are:

  • To read out loud to an adult 3 times a week - recording the name of the book and pages read in their communication book

  • Learning a list of words (spellings) to be tested, the following week. These spellings can be found on our weekly 'Bandon Hill Bulletin'



  • ‘Phonics Hunt’ - What can you find with this week’s phonics? (from the weekly newsletter)

  • Counting practical tasks

  • Writing and number formation worksheet

  • Life skills challenge (for example, zipping up coats)


Year 1

  • Maths work relating to the week’s learning - practical or written.

  • Handwriting tasks linked to weekly phonics


Year 2

  • Maths work relating to the week’s learning

  • Handwriting tasks linked to weekly spellings


Year 3

  • Maths work relating to the week’s learning

  • Times tables  - multiplication and division facts

  • Handwriting tasks linked to weekly spellings


Year 4

  • Maths work relating to the week’s learning

  • Times tables  - multiplication and division facts in preparation for the Yr 4 Multiplication Tables Checking Exercise (MTC) in June 2024

  • Handwriting tasks linked to weekly spellings


Year 5

  • Times Tables - multiplication and division facts

  • Handwriting tasks linked to weekly spellings

  • Maths based on the week’s learning. 


Year 6

  • Handwriting tasks linked to weekly spellings

  • Reading comprehension 

  • Grammar work

  • Maths based on the week’s learning.