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Bandon Hill Primary School

Pupil Voice

Our next pupil voice survey is occurring in the first week of June 2024. Please check back here towards the end of June for the results.

Pupil Voice Survey Questions - June 2024

I enjoy school

The behaviour of other children in my lessons is good

My teachers help me to do my best in every lesson

The behaviour of other children around school is good

My teachers give me work that challenges me

I feel safe when I am at school 

I enjoy learning at Bandon Hill

My school encourages me to look after my health

My teachers listen to what I have to say in lessons

I take part in school activities outside of lessons (like clubs, sports, music etc)

There is an adult at school I can talk to if something is worrying me 

My school encourages me to be independent 

My school encourages me to treat everyone equally

My teacher provides me with information about my next steps

My teacher makes my lessons fun

I feel that I make good progress in my lessons

My school recognises and rewards individual attendance

I understand why my attendance in school is important

I enjoy my PE lessons and I have learnt new skills this year

My school understands my needs and what I need to support me with my learning

I am happy with the help and support I receive in school

I know how to get help with my learning 


* All questions are answered with Always, Most of the time, Sometimes or Never